Soul Alignment II Masterclass


This work is so much more than oracle cards or energy healing, it is a sacred space where you can discover yourself and your truth. A place where you can experience the connection to Source and learn to carry Spirit in your heart.

Holistic Health Concierge Summit

We all want to be in control of our health, yet sometimes we feel disconnected and powerless. I'm thrilled to announce that I'll be participating as a speaker at The Holistic Health Concierge Summit, a unique event that aims to change that narrative. Introducing the Hosts   Rosetta Matthews brings a wealth of knowledge to her practice. […]

Intro to Channel – Free Event


This is a free event to introduce you to the Galactic Conversations channel class and help you determine if it and I are the right fit for you. Galactic Conversations empowers you with the skills to go beyond intuition, and the patience to allow it to unfold naturally. Over the years we have also created […]

Emergence of Spirit – an afternoon with the Galactic Council

Welcome to this new in-person series being offered over the winter months in Victoria, BC. All classes will be a half-day in length and address a different metaphysical topic. All classes will contain elements of intuitive development and include an opportunity for questions.